
How will I work for you?

Experience & Expertise

Photography & Staging

Advertising & Marketing

Does other marketing help? Yes, for sure. There is a place for every marketing medium but don’t let buzzwords trick you. I utilize other marketing as well which helps support my main concepts as noted before.

  1. Search Engine Optimization 

  2. Feature Sheets

  3. Open Houses

  4. Social Media

  5. Post on the MLS

The statement "We spend thousands of dollars each year marketing your property!" can be misleading. It's important to understand that the money spent on real estate marketing is typically used to generate leads and promote the real estate agent or agency, rather than focusing solely on selling your specific property. Furthermore, having a large database of potential buyers may not necessarily translate into actual sales. It's more important to target the right buyers who are interested in your property and have the means to purchase it.

In my opinion, two crucial factors that can greatly impact the sale of a property in the current Calgary and Alberta market are high-quality photos and an accurate listing price. Eye-catching photos can attract potential buyers and showcase the best features of your property, while pricing it appropriately can ensure that it's competitive in the market and attracts serious buyers the first time.

Finding properties has become easier due to the abundance of resources available today. However, when it comes to attracting potential buyers, the quality of the listing's photos plays a crucial role. Low-quality images that resemble those taken on a flip phone from 2005 can instantly turn off potential buyers. Investing a few hundred dollars in a professional photographer can make all the difference in attracting buyers and reducing the time spent on the market from three months to just three days.

Photos and staging are important in selling homes because they can greatly impact a potential buyer's first impression of a property. Photos are often the first thing that a buyer sees when they search for homes online. High-quality photos can showcase a home's best features, while poorly lit or low-quality photos can make a property look unappealing and decrease interest in the listing.

Staging, on the other hand, can help potential buyers imagine themselves living in the home by creating a welcoming and attractive environment. Staging can highlight a home's best features, and also help to create a sense of space and flow throughout the property.

Ultimately, good photos and staging can help a property stand out in a crowded market and attract more potential buyers. They can also help to justify a higher asking price, as buyers are more likely to see the value in a well-presented home.

When it is time to list your house, listing it at the right price is important for many reasons. First of all, it helps attract serious buyers who are looking for properties within their budget. If a house is overpriced, it can turn away potential buyers and reduce the chances of selling the property in a timely manner. Underpricing can also have a negative effect. If a house is listed below value, it may attract buyers but can result in a loss of potential profit for the seller. Secondly, pricing a house properly can ensure that it's competitive in the market and stands out among other properties for sale at the same time. This can help generate more interest in the property and potentially lead to multiple offers, which can drive up the selling price.

Lastly, setting the right price when the house first goes to market can help avoid the need for multiple price reductions, which can be time-consuming and can give the impression to buyers that the property is not desirable or has issues. Overall, listing a house at the right price initially for a successful sale and a satisfied seller.

And the best part about this? It is completely free to come up with the right listing price. The seller is the one who sets it but their agent can help guide them.

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Calgary, Alberta

TOWN Residential